Thursday 27 November 2014

Reflective Assignment 2

I was always confused with my life choices and decisions for my future plans. In this MPU 2 class, I have started to learn more about myself and the things I am capable of especially when before this I thought I'm never capable of.

I have reflected on what I have learnt throughout my South Australian Matriculation program. I have learnt a lot during this program and have improved my capabilities. I also learned new things which helped me out to gain in depth knowledge. My group and I have used a DIEP method to reflect on what we have learnt and working with them was fun as we got to share what we have learnt throughout this course.

I have also explained about what keeps me going forward and where I get my example on, my inspirations. Mr Bill Gates has inspired me to go forward even when something brings me down because at the end of the day, I have to satisfy myself  and not the people around me. He teach me how to survive in this procrastinating world with those people who always look down towards me. I will always self motivate myself as he said so that in the future the people who looked me down will think great about me and I'm sure I will do it because Mr Bill Gates does it. 

In MPU 2, I have learned about SWOT. SWOT analysis has helped me a lot to learn more about what I am capable of. It has also showed me my weaknesses and to improve it. I also realized how much of opportunities I have in front of me. I just have to reach out and go for it. SWOT has also gave me an insight of the threats I'd face which made me improvise and be prepared for the threats. I now can face whatever that is brought to me as I am prepared for it.

I have also learned about SMART goals. SMART goals has helped to learn about my priorities. I have to take a step to move forward and for that I need to fix what I lack and SMART goals has taught me to fix my weakness before moving forward.

I have also prepared a step by step guide which is my action plan to fix my weakness. This is to make me reach my goal with confidence and a prepared mentality.

In conclusion, making this blog has brought a realisation to myself of the things I have to do to achieve my goals. I have also realised on what I have to fix and the threats that I will face in future to reach my goal. This assignment has helped me to make changes in myself to work better and harder in future for a place in the university of my choice. I also learnt that there are many ways I can face the obstacles that are given to me. It's not a one step journey to reach my goal of becoming a doctor, I have to face many obstacles and this assignment has taught me to just keep going forward as there are many opportunities out there for me and it is not the end. 

Action Plan

My main focus right now is to make sure I can do better for my university and be prepared for it and for that, I need to be hardworking and not procrastinate.

I want to be hardworking so that I can do well in my university by being confident. I can do really well for medicine if I become a very hardworking person. I may have to struggle to keep up the good work as I may give up but I have to do what I have to.

I will make sure that I hand in and be prepared for what I have to do in my MPU class and by the end of this course which is on December 12, I should be able to work hard without feeling lazy or worried and be prepared for whatever that is brought on to me.

I have people who can support me. My parents and friends are helping me to achieve this goal by making sure I finish my work on time and work hard to achieve my goals. My friends are also helping to remind me of the work that I have not done and make sure I do it on the day itself.

There may be too many distractions for me to reach my goals as I can be distracted easily.

I can overcome this by removing or ignoring all distractions that I have. I can also ask my parents and siblings to help me out by making sure I am not distracted especially by social media.


My lecturer has thought me about SMART goals. I have prepared my own SMART goals in order for me to achieve what I want to get into a university and be prepared for what will be handed to me so that I can complete my tertiary education studies successfully. 

Specific (S)

I want to finish my work on time with good time management within the time frame provided.

Measurable (M)

I will make sure I finish my work at least before 10pm each day so that I can revise later on.

Attainable (A)

I will make sure to give a time limit to myself so that I finish my work on time before its late.

Relevant (R)

My goal is to finish my MPU work on time so that I know I can be prepared for university for my tertiary studies.

Time-Bound (T)

My goal is to work hard so that I can do well for my university and can be successful person later on.

SMART goal

I will push myself hard to make sure that I finish all work given to me on time and not procrastinate so that I can be prepared for my university and not slack off with a lower than average grade.

SWOT Analysis

I have done a little research on SWOT. So, what is SWOT? SWOT is a planned method used to evaluate the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats involved in what you want to analyze on for example, myself or a project or for business. As said above, strength is (S), weakness is (W), opportunities is (O) and threats is (T). In this SWOT analysis, I will be analyzing myself.


Strength is the characteristics in me that brings advantages to me and people around me. 

Some of my strengths are ;
  • I am a very patient person in doing something or towards others.
  • I am a very hard working person when I really need it.
  • I am very open minded.
  • I am a person who eager to learn new things.
  • I am very tolerant person.
  • I am a person who know's what I'm really doing.
  • I am a good listener.
  • I am a very calm person, when in a situation, I'll be calm to think of a solution and not panic or stress out.


Weakness is the characteristic where it brings me disadvantages and to the people around me.

Some of my weaknesses are;
  • I am a lazy person as I procrastinate a lot.
  • I am a hot tempered person when people goes beyond their limit towards me.
  • I can be very emotional at times towards people's story.
  • I have a very bad time management skill and ended up doing last minute work.
  • I am easily distracted with things go around me. 
  • I am a nervous person when ever I need to do something very important.
  • I tend to zone out a lot even when I am not supposed to.
  • I can be easily influenced by friends.
  • I am a careless person at times when doing something.


Opportunities are the chances that we get from in terms of help from others so that we can improve ourselves and succeed in our life.

Some of my opportunities are;
  • I have a very supportive family who helps me get through the day.
  • I have great lecturers to help me out when I don't understand something.
  • I am provided with great facilities to be used when needed in my college.
  • There are many job vacancies around my area where I can get a job to increase my level of experience.
  • My parents have connections with people where I can talk to to ask for advice on good universities and courses.
  • I have friends who are willing to teach me their mother tongue.
  • There are many educational videos online where I can watch for free and gain knowledge.


Threats are some of the expected and also non-expected things that happen in our life that might be prevented or can't be prevented.

Some of the threats that I face;
  • Even though I'm the only child to my parents but due to low amount of  salary and only my dad is working, they will face problem to pay my tuition fees.
  • My grades are just average and there are people who are better than me which I have to put up a big competition with so that I can get a scholarship.
  • I can be very emotional which ruins my mood most of the days which concludes to an unproductive day and major procrastination to me due to somethings that go around me and at times because of my certain selfish friends.
  • I can get distracted easily and with the distractions around me, I tend to not finish my work in the time frame given.
  • I may not cope with my studies for medicine as I have weaknesses that I have to fix before I start that course which made myself comfortable later on after I start my further studies.
  • Social media is a major distraction for me where it puts out my work.

My Future Goal (University)

My ambition since I was young in to be a doctor. Even my parents wished the same as well. Many people has asked me why a doctor because it's a very tough field. I choose to study medicine because I wished to the needy and the poor people with full of humanity. Moreover medicine field is some to do with human body parts and internal organs which I like to investigate with. Therefore I've chosen medicine field as my future carrier.

The university that I wished to enter to do my medicine program is Melaka Manipal Medical College. This university is one of the best university for medicine program and a lot of them successfully graduated from this uni. Moreover, I need to do my first 2 years and 6 months over at India Manipal University in Mangolore as a twinning program and then the rest 2 years and 6 months over at Melaka Manipal Medical College.  

In due to enter Melaka Manipal Medical College, I need to attain certain entry requirements. Firstly I need to get a minimum of 80 ATAR in my South Australian Matriculation Program with a minimum B grade for all my science subjects include Chemistry, Biology and Mathematical studies or Physics.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Reflective Assignment 1

(Describe). We were divided into group randomly by our lecturer to perform our chemistry practical’s. There is a need for all the group members to work together to complete the task assign.

(Interpret) The activity mentioned help us to develop our TGC. For example, we learned to develop communication skills.

(Evaluate) For communication skills, we will need to develop this useful skills in order to communicate with our group members effectively. Good communication between group members to will help to increase the effectiveness to complete the chemistry practicals. Without good communication between group members, it would be a difficult task to know others opinion and perform well In the task assigned. With communication skills, we will have advantage in our university admission, future profession and life. To illustrate, we are science stream students who are interested to further our studies in medical field. Oit will be a advantage for us to perform well in the interviews in order to get a place in university with good communication skills.

(Plan) We will able to improve and develop good communication skills if we are confident enough about what you want to talk in. In short, we need to have courage to say what we think about. Besides, we need to have eye contact with the audience to show respect to them. Whether we are speaking or listening, looking into eyes of the person with whom you are conversing can make the interaction more successful. Lastly, we need to practice more in order to master communication skills. It is undeniable fact that the communication skills play an important role in our daily lives to build up relationship with the orders. Remember that we are able to change the world by changing our words.

(Evaluate)For interpersonal skills, we learn to listen and respect other opinion when we doing the chemistry practicals. It is important for us to know how to master the art of communication to perform our assignment better. Without interpersonal skills, it will be difficult to have agreement among group members to complete the task well. We need to learn to mind with the words we speak to care about the others feeling. 

(Plan) In order to master and develop this skill, we learn to respect others opinion. It is always remember to tolerate with each other. 

(Evaluate) Last but not least, we also learn to develop thinking and problem solving skills with the chemistry practical. We will need to apply the chemistry knowledge we learn during lessons in the practicals. We even have a chance to design a chemistry practical by ourselves without guardians from our lecturers. This help us to have a chance to develop the thinking and problem solving skill. The skill enable us to solve our problems in our daily lives. We will able to improve this skill and be more independent to solve the problem. In conclusion, we learn many useful skills through SAM program that help us to prepare to get into the future career. We are grateful to be paired up in the groups to learn to develop these skills.

~ Bill Gates My Mentor ~

The Person Who Inspired Me

The most important person who inspired me a lot is one of the world's richest man and the Founder of Microsoft, Mr Bill Gates. He inspired me the most by his hard work and self motivating person. Once a pone a time when he studying at school, he asked to sit beside the dustbin out of the class along the corridor for not performing well in his studies. But he got a hope and trust himself that one day he will achieve in his life. His believe come true when he founded a software company called Microsoft. Not only that, he worked so hard so that he can made the company become the top companies in the world and he made it. Not only that, the person who get first rank during his schooling time become the worker of his company while him is the CEO of the Microsoft Cooperate. He inspired me a lot because during my SAM program, I need to do a lot of hard work so that I can complete all my assignments, projects and examinations successfully. At times when I get scolded by parents for not performing well, I feel sad but I try to self motivate myself which make me feel better. He is my mentor forever in my life. Hats Off Mr Bill Gates !